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I have my own business that I do at home because I can’t work certain hours because of my hips. I have avascular necrosis in both hips. I’m able to do my catering which is what I went to school for, but I wasn’t able to finish. I actually started with uncle when I was 12, and then I went out from there. When I was 16, I finally started my own, just small doing cookies and sweets. Then I got older, and I was able to work at my dad’s. He started giving me jobs doing different brunches and cooking and stuff like that. It was easy to do little small things. Nothing too big. Whenever I have something big, I always have family that will help me get it all together.

Yeah, working in a restaurant was not gonna get it, but I’m still able to cook. It’s just not in a capacity that I originally wanted but as long as I’m still doing some type of cooking, it’s okay.

It’s harder to describe to somebody that doesn’t know exactly what sickle cell is. I don’t look sick but when I’m in my crisis mode, it’s totally different. People kind of judge you from one little face, that you don’t look like you’re sick. They want you to be screaming and hollering in order to know that you’re in pain. Because I’m at the age that I am, I don’t want to have to act a fool or scream and holler and be like a baby. I’m not a baby anymore, so I’ve learned how to deal with my illness different than some people. It’s times where I do have to cry because the pain is so bad, but I’ve learned how to deal with most of the pain. I’ve learned how to deal with and maneuver around being in pain because I still have to get around. Even though I’m in pain, I still have to go about my daily life.

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