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Information and Resources for the SCD Community

We encourage sickle cell patients to follow the guidance provided by the CDC and the national Sickle Cell Disease Association of America’s Health Alerts.

Project SCoviD


PRESS RELEASE: Sickle Cell Orgs Partner With Technology Social Enterprise To Address Disparities In COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

COVID-19 has been devastating for many communities of color; the sickle cell disease community has been no exception. As vaccines bring new hope to the end of the pandemic, underserved communities are in need of immediate resources to address disparities in vaccine rollout rates and availability. The Community Hub will be used by sickle cell disease community-based organizations (CBOs), nonprofits, community health workers (CHWs) and other healthcare providers as they work with patient networks and clients to address concerns surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines, answer questions, and provide educational resources to their communities.

The Community Hub will include:
Client Registration – A portal to input client/patient information for easy follow-up
Realtime updates on COVID-19 and vaccines
Vetted Scripts and SMS/email templates to facilitate efficient and accurate communication with individual patients and clients or in group discussions.
Shareable Resources on COVID-19 and vaccines with the option of searching for resources in a region or state

Sick Cells is working with:
● Axis Advocacy
● Sickle Cell Disease Association of Illinois (SCDAI)
● Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network (SCTPN)
● Supporters of Families with Sickle Cell Disease
● Sickle Cell Disease Association of America Philadelphia/Delaware Valley Chapter

to develop and test the pilot intervention. The goal is to test if the prototype will reduce vaccine hesitancy in their local communities with the intention of expanding the project upon completion of the test phase.

If you are interested in funding this project, please contact or donate directly at

COVID-19 Vaccine News

With the release of the COVID-19 vaccine, it’s important for the sickle cell disease community to stay up to date on recommendations. Dr Lewis Hsu, MD, PhD, has provided an explanation of how the vaccine works, the most recent recommendations, and how to address concerns from the community. Click the button below to view the webinar.

COVID-19 Bulletin

To bring you credible information in one spot, we’ve developed the Sick Cells’ COVID Bulletin. We hope these updates will continue to educate and empower the community during this unprecedented time.

Follow the SCDAA’s
Recommendations on COVID-19

Stay Vigilant. Stay Healthy. Stay Safe.


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