
We strive to bring you News You Can Use — all year long.
Here you’ll find our monthly newsletter, blog, and events calendar. You can also keep
up with Sick Cells in the media.

Latest Media Mentions

View some of our most recent media mentions. We’re proud to be featured on local
and national levels, speaking about sickle cell disease.

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Social Impact Heroes: Why & How Ashley Valentine of Sick Cells Is Helping To Change Our World

Authority Magazine, a Medium publication, spoke with Ashley Valentine about her life and work in the sickle cell community.

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Sickle Cell Cure Brings Mix of Anxiety and Hope

The New York Times talks to the sickle cell community about upcoming gene therapies.

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Press Release: IVI and Sick Cells Release the Finding Equity in Value Whitepaper

Press Release regarding Sick Cells and Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI)’s joint white paper published October 20, 2022

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Are We About to Cure Sickle-Cell Disease?

Sick Cells President and Co-Founder, Ashley Valentine, spoke with The New Yorker.

Latest Blogs

Our community has a lot to say. Read up on some personal views and perspective
from Sick Cells’ members and the SCD community.

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Remembering George

Sick Cells had the opportunity to sit down with Dennis McCullen to share memories of his friend George Gaddy. This conversation is part of Remembrance Week, a time dedicated to honoring the sickle cell warriors who have passed away and sharing stories to keep their memories alive.

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Kansas DURB Covers Gene Therapies for Sickle Cell Disease

This month, Sick Cells sat down with Kevin Wake to hear about the first Drug Utilization Review Board (DURB) meeting in Kansas to review the newly approved gene therapies, Casgevy (Vertex) and Lyfgenia (bluebird bio) for the treatment of Sickle Cell Disease.

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