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Home / Faces of SCD / Corin

Always smile. Always smile, no matter what’s going on. Show your smile because when you smile, you’re happy. Think positive.

When she was 15, she got really, really ill. Parvovirus is like a common cold, but for someone with a blood disease, it affected all her joints. I mean it shut her body totally down. Couldn’t walk, talk, eat, or drink. She was 16.

They put her in an induced coma. She was in ICU for about three weeks. She was on what they call a ECMO. ECMO, you either make it on it, or you don’t make it off. She made it off and she’s doing really well.

We taught her how to eat and drink and everything all over. Go to the bathroom. Tenth grade is when she got sick. Eleventh grade, she went to school half of a day. Twelfth grade, she went to school a half year, but she graduated on time.

– Karen, Corin’s mother.


I’m a full time student at UMUC. Maybe two years ago, I had to stop going because I got really sick. I had pneumonia, and I had to rebuild myself to go back to school. The school sends out a letter to all the professors at the beginning of the school year, so they all know what [my] needs are.

I graduate next December.

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