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Home / Faces of SCD / Kamia

It’s already a silent disease [and] a lot of people don’t talk about it. My husband was in the military, and we were in Georgia and the doctor asked him, “What is this, what is sickle cell?” And it blew my mind. I was like, you’re a physician and you’re asking me what sickle cell is.

– Kamia, wife, mom and warrior with sickle cell disease

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[The cure] was on the news and commercial during the Bulls game, which was huge, it blew my mind. [I thought] I wonder how many people are seeing this and how many people this is helping.

So don’t give up, even if this is not the cure for you — continue to talk about it, continue to tell people, speak about it all the time, just keep the conversation going. Because if you don’t talk about it people tend to forget, push it off to the back.

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