
Home / Faces of SCD / Gabriela

“Since I was little, going to activities, going to the that I have three kids and work it limits my… I get very tired, and then having to tend to my kids, going to work, missing work. Also, when I was younger, missing school a lot of days, staying in the hospital for like weeks. So [sickle cell] has affected me a lot.

Well, first of all, try to stay hydrated. That’s very hard for me, because I don’t like water, but my doctor told me I can drink Gatorades, and get rest if I feel tired, and not to overdo it most of all, and taking my medicine. I just started like three months ago. I was not really wanting to, but since lately I’ve been getting more sick often so my hematologist told me, “Let’s just start it, regardless of the side effects.” Every medicine has its side effects, I guess. So, I just started three months ago. […] she told me it takes six months to one year to see improvements. So we’re waiting for more results.”

In regards to her community

“I tell them it doesn’t only affect the black community. It affects all kind of cultures and that we just have to be more informed, get genetic testing as well. […] So, I think there needs to be more Hispanics that need to get out there and tested and get more knowledge about it.”

–Gabriela, SCD Warrior

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