My love language is being personal and sharing experiences together, creating memories with that person I love. I love having that quality time together. I give love by ensuring my man is happy, by giving acts of love for him, and making sure he’s got what he needs. When dating, I want to make sure that I am strong and confident so I can give my partner what they need so it’s not one-sided. I don’t want my other half to feel like they have to take care of me. I don’t want them to say ‘I have to do this for Cory.’ Dating is an essential part of life. No one wants to be alone, and nobody wants to not have a partner in life. I want so badly for my confidence and health to be in a place where I can give this kind of love and receive it. I make it a top priority to understand his love language, and to be flexible and coherent to his needs.”
-Cory, SCD Warrior