An Action-Packed Three Years
While Cory says he’s been seriously involved with the community for just three years, he’s accomplished so much in that amount of time. Just this year, Cory participated in Bluebird Bio’s, “Spark Sickle Cell Change,” initiative. He later worked with Sick Cells as a community engagement intern. During that time, Cory presented at a policy round-table during Rare Disease Week in Washington, DC. “One of my favorite parts about advocacy is getting my points across and making sure people understand,” said Cory. “It’s rewarding to join a task force and get things done in my community. It’s a chance to grow and learn from feedback to better my advocacy work. Not only does it give me a boost in confidence, but it motivates me to do more.”
As for the future, Cory hopes that the light that’s shining on the SCD community gets brighter and drives more positive change. But to keep moving forward, he’s a strong believer in strength in numbers. “We are stronger together and we can make more happen when everyone works together. We’re all preaching the same message, now let’s do it as one,” he said.
We’re confident Cory will continue to be a trailblazer and positive spirit within the community. If he can accomplish so much in just three years, imagine what the next three will look like.