I get up, and I do it, and I go for it. So even if I’m tired, just because I’ve had a late night or whatever, I get up, I drink my water. I’m like, “Let’s go do this.” And once the music starts and you’re having a good time, as with anything, you totally zone out. You forget about whatever pain, or who wronged you, or where you left you shoes, and you’re in the moment. So yes, it’s high energy, it’s intense. It ever gets too intense I know my body so I’ll stop. Then I hop right back in and work it like I’m Janet Jackson. […]
In regards to what advice Vanessa would give to others to learn how to know their body
“I guess explore. Explore what works for you because what works for me doesn’t necessarily work for other people. But I would say just see what works for you. Know your body. So what are your triggers? So if you feel yourself getting sick, is it you’re under a lot of stress? Is it you’re hot? Is it you have a temperature? Or whatever those things could be. Just start noticing what those triggers are so you can be proactive and get in front of it.”
–Vanessa, SCD Warrior