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Home / Faces of SCD / Elodie


We’ve launched a NEW Faces of SCD Series: “Feelin’ the Love.”  We will celebrate the big and small ways we feel love across the sickle cell community. Powered by SCD warriors, we will share stories touching on self-love, community love, and the power of love.


“As a woman living with SCD I never really believed that I would find a partner who would be able to understand the difficulties of SCD and be willing to walk this challenging path with me. But then I met Evan. 



For him there was never a question about IF he wanted to care for me, rather, what could he do to always make me feel better, make sure I was safe, and had what I needed to be comfortable. He has become my biggest advocate. I love my husband”

-Elodie, Sickle Cell Warrior

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