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Home / Faces of SCD / Brenda


We’ve launched a NEW Faces of SCD Series: “Feelin’ the Love.”  We will celebrate the big and small ways we feel love across the sickle cell community. Powered by SCD warriors, we will share stories touching on self-love, community love, and the power of love.

“We founded our nonprofit, The B Strong Group, in honor of our son, Braden, who has sickle cell disease. We founded this organization because of our love and devotion for our son, but continue to sustain it due to our love and admiration of our sickle cell warriors and those who care for them. We love to serve by spreading awareness of sickle cell disease through education, advocacy and empowerment. We have been so blessed through our family’s journey to discover our purpose which includes our amazingly resilient sickle cell warriors.”

-Brenda, Mother of an SCD Warrior

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