Coverage for SCD Summit 2021


The Coverage for SCD Summit provides a collaborative forum to discuss the changing landscape of healthcare coverage for sickle cell disease (SCD).  This meeting brings together payers, providers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, patient groups, researchers, care teams, and policymakers to discuss ways to tackle the complexities of coverage and access to SCD treatments and care. We share ideas on the latest strategies to measure value, improve patient outcomes, and better navigate healthcare costs.

Conference Info

With rising costs, persistent health inequities, and gaps in care access, there is a heightened focus across sectors on new approaches to achieve better health outcomes for patients with SCD.  This four-hour virtual summit explored innovative ways stakeholders are approaching these challenges. Attendees gained insights on the development of more patient-centered value assessment methods for sickle cell and learned from case studies accounting for the patient’s perspective on what constitutes quality and value.

Who Attended?

  • Managed care organizations 
  • Health plans and payers
  • Government health programs
  • Employer groups
  • SCD providers and clinical care teams
  • Researchers
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturers 
  • Patient groups and patient advocates
  • Policymakers

Past Agenda


Previous Sponsors

Thank you to each and every sponsor for your contribution and commitment to improving access and coverage for SCD treatments and care.

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