
Every month, you can count on a carefully curated
Newsletter from the Sick Cells team.

We do our best to round up the latest in treatment and policy news, spotlight SCD warriors,
and give you a Minute with Marqus. Sign up for our newsletter to ensure you get your
monthly dose of sickle cell news.

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June Newsletter (2024)

This month, Sick Cells highlights why raising funds = raising awareness as we kick off our Summer Bash Fundraisers for Sickle Cell.

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May Newsletter (2021)

Last month, we introduced Project SCoviD — a collaborative Instagram and Facebook account that shares important information on COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines as they relate to sickle cell disease. This month, we’re excited to share it is live! Follow us at @project_scovid on Instagram and Facebook, and share it with your family and friends.

In this newsletter, we’ll honor nurses, highlight recent partnerships and share important policy updates.

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April Newsletter (2021)

It’s hard to think that we’ve been living through the COVID-19 pandemic for more than a year. While there have been many developments that have mitigated the threats of the pandemic, it is still greatly impacting our daily lives. As we navigate the new normal, together, we’re excited to introduce a new project that centers around the needs of the sickle cell disease (SCD) community: SCoviD.

This month, we’ll introduce Project SCoviD, reflect on recent speaking opportunities and policy updates.

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March Newsletter (2021)

Happy Spring! Like the trees and flowers in some parts of the country, Sick Cells was in full bloom this month. We’re honored to be able to advocate for the sickle cell disease (SCD) community via a variety of platforms and mediums. From letters to policy forums to virtual lobbying – we’re keeping the momentum going throughout 2021.

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February Newsletter (2021)

This month, we’ll highlight Sick Cells’ first-ever Your Black History Month campaign and our Ambassador Priority Topic Meeting with Liweli CBD. We’ll also discuss our March Policy Forum and share a new blog post and, as always, we’ve selected some News You Can Use!

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January Newsletter (2021)

This month, we’ll discuss our upcoming Your Black History Month campaign, the March 2021 Policy Forum, the Sick Cells + Avalere Roadmap, some recent blogs to catch up on and some News You Can Use!

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December Newsletter (2020)

On the final day of 2020 — a year like no other — we’re reflecting on some of the important lessons we learned over the last 12 months.

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November Newsletter 2020

While the year is coming to a close, there’s no slowing down in sight. This month, we’ll discuss the #FundSickleCell Movement, share updates on this year’s Giving Tuesday and introduce our new Program Manager.

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October Newsletter 2020

It’s hard to believe that after this weekend, we’ll only have two months left in 2020. While this year has been one of unprecedented challenges, it’s also presented new opportunities for the sickle cell disease (SCD) community. In these final 60 days, we’re focusing on finishing strong and hope you can find the motivation to do so, as well.

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September Newsletter 2020

A Sickle Cell Awareness Month to Remember! Team Sick Cells did a lot of planning for National Sickle Cell Awareness Month. We prepared content, social media posts and Instagram Lives with a goal to, as always, spread as much helpful information as possible on sickle cell disease (SCD)….

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White House Edition: Part Two

On Monday, September 14, we attended a roundtable discussion hosted by the First Lady of the United States to mark Sickle Cell Awareness Month and discuss the challenges that our community continues to face. We learned that this type of meeting happens once in a lifetime and were honored to represent the SCD community while there.

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White House Edition: Part One

Sick Cells is proud to continue our work with the Assistant Secretary of Health, Admiral Brett Giroir under the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health. This work is driving change to advance the care and improve the quality of life for people with sickle cell disease. We will attend a historic roundtable discussion with the First Lady of the United States entitled, “Improving the Lives of Americans with Sickle Cell Disease.”

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August Newsletter 2020

While things are different this year, we’re still happy with our progress. A revamped website, a thriving ambassador program and a successful blood drive all point to our momentum. We keep moving forward. It’s what Marqus would’ve wanted.

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